Contracted Meaning in Medical Terms
Being infected with a disease means catching or acquiring a disease through exposure to a contagious pathogen. However, one can also become infected with a disease that is not transmissible, such as cancer. Contracting a disease is a verbal sentence, related terms are contracted a disease, contract a disease and contract a disease. The word contract is derived from the Latin word contractus, which means “to contract.” Although he contracted osteomyelitis at the age of 6 that permanently damaged his hips and joints and botled it for the rest of his life, as a young man in the local sawmill, Roger still handled the very laborious task of pulling green chains to pay for his school fees. (The Lewiston Tribune) Contacting a disease is an egggrain, which is a misunderstood word or phrase that retains its original meaning. Contacting a disease is not an accepted term. This egggrain is probably a confabulation of terms to come into contact with a disease and be infected with a disease. The expressions contracting a disease and contacting a disease are often confusing, but only one of these terms is correct. We will examine the meaning and origin of expressions that contract a disease and come into contact with a disease, as well as an example of its correct use in sentences. Morrow, who lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, began boosting his pre-Christmas throwing program this winter when he contracted valley fever, which causes fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, headaches, night sweats, muscle aches and fever. (The Los Angeles Times) The Senate Intelligence Committee`s report states that they signed a contract with the CIA in 2006 worth “more than $180 million.” This is a questionable claim, as European data protection law allows data transfers to any location as long as they are “necessary” to perform the contract between the user and the provider – and email processing is quite basic for a courier service. The Project Budget form categorizes requests for personnel, contractual services, travel and per diem expenses, equipment and operating costs.
This tutorial introduces running water communities that introduce new and hesitant factors into the equation of possible factors. Whether it`s revising search warrant protocols or hiring social workers, policy changes are a start, but could go much further. Michigan reportedly offered 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh a $42 million contract, making him the highest-paid coach in the NCAA. When that contract expired, the secret service signed another one for an additional 16 nights until April 15, according to copies of the contracts released by the secret service. . They also do not have much room for manoeuvre, with the contracts for which they are always responsible. Middle English, English-French, Latin contractus, contrahere, to conclude a contract, to reduce, com- + trahere to draw Encyclopedia article on contract contract 1. Shorten; to reduce in size; in the case of muscles, shorten or feel an increase in tension. 2. Acquired by infection or infection.
3. An explicit bilateral commitment of the psychotherapist and the patient to a defined procedure to achieve the objective of psychotherapy. Origin: L. Con-traho, pp. -tractus, contract The relatively small contracts of the Air Force are not for the actual delivery of a finished supersonic aircraft. Meanwhile, Marino promises “radical changes” and promises to review each city`s contract – to see if it is valid. The report found that one in two Canadians will develop cancer at some point in their lives, while the country as a whole is experiencing more new cases of cancer. (The Edmonton Journal) Something like a smile tried to gather the facial features of the Indian; but the attempt was not happy and stopped with a grimace. A 1907 contract leased the property to the Belgika Corporation for five years, but it stayed much longer. The Chinese element was contractually adopted for work on sugar cane plantations. The human respiratory system is an efficient system of inspiring and leaking respiratory gases.
This tutorial contains. Latin contract of contrahere to sign together, conclude (a relationship or agreement), of com- with, together + trahere to sign The action you wanted to perform required authorizations that your account does not have. Try to log in as a different user. A legally binding agreement between two or more parties. Note: Sealed contracts were used long before the consideration requirement was developed. Originally, they were usually impressed by an actual seal, but today, the word seal, the abbreviation L.S., or words like “signed and sealed” or “testify to my seal” can take the place of the seal. However, without a clear indication of the intention of the parties, the presence of a seal, such as .B. a company seal, is not sufficient to create a contract under seal. .